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Find Hidden Profits With These 12 Email Marketing Strategies to Nurture and Convert Your Subscribers

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Email automation is one of the most powerful digital marketing tools available to businesses. It’s relatively affordable and highly profitable when done right, yet many let it go by the wayside. If you’re not using email marketing, and especially if you’re not automating and personalising your email flows, you’re leaving money on the table.

In fact, according to email and SMS platform Omnisend, the average expected return on investment is $40 for every $1 you spend on email marketing. That is a HUGE return on investment compared to many other marketing channels.

Whether you’re trying to nurture and convert leads, or you’re wanting to sell more tickets, or drive other revenue streams throughout the year, a well-oiled email marketing machine is going to be worth its weight in gold and could be driving 10s or 100s of thousands of dollars in additional revenue each year.

Here's a list of effective email automation flows that can help in increasing lead generation and conversion:

Welcome Series

When someone signs up for your newsletter, enquires for the first time, or creates an account, your CRM (customer relationship management) system should be set up to trigger a welcome email series. This series, which on average has the highest open rate (of nearly 70%) out of all of the email flows listed here, can introduce your brand, provide valuable content, encourage engagement, and drive early conversions, and can ensure your prospects remember why they signed up to be on your list in the first place. For tourism businesses, you might include travel tips, destination or experience highlights, or introduce members of your team. For hospitality, it might be regular specials, menu highlights, or event and catering packages, and for event promoters, it might be past event highlights, upcoming tours, or special merch or package offers.

Lead Nurturing Series

For leads that haven't converted yet, a nuture series can provide specific and useful information relevant to your customer’s specific needs, demonstrate the value of your products or services, and address common questions or objections.

Abandoned Cart or Booking Emails

If a customer adds items to their cart or gets halfway through the booking process but doesn't complete it, your CRM system can send a series of reminder emails and even text messages. These emails can include a special offer or highlight the benefits of the products they're interested in, re-engaging them and bringing them back to convert.

Re-engagement Campaigns

Targeting inactive subscribers with a series of emails to re-engage them can re-awaken old customers on your list and drive conversions you would have otherwise lost. This might include asking for feedback, offering a special discount, or showing them what they've missed out on lately. This also helps keep your list ‘healthy’ which improves overall email deliverability rates.

Post-Purchase/Booking Follow-Up

After a conversion, send a series of emails to thank the customer, provide additional useful information, ask for reviews, and suggest related products or services. This can also be a good opportunity to request user generated content (UGC), a powerful type of content which can be cross-posted to social media or in other marketing channels to attract additional customers.

Educational Content Series

For businesses who need to educate their target market to assist with the sale, an educational content series can offer valuable insights while gently moving customers toward a conversion. This can be in the form of tips, how-to guides, or insider insights to establish your brand as an authority.

Upsell and Cross-Sell Emails

Recommend complementary or higher-value products based on past purchases or browsing behavior.

Event-Triggered Emails

Set up emails triggered by specific actions or dates, like birthdays, anniversaries, or significant milestones in the customer's journey.

Feedback and Survey Emails

After a certain period or post-purchase, send emails asking for feedback or customer satisfaction surveys. This can provide valuable insights and show customers that you value their opinions. For increased response rates, consider offering rewards or discounts in exchange for feedback.

Referral Program Emails

Encourage satisfied customers to refer friends in exchange for rewards. This can be an effective way to generate new leads, and referrals usually have much higher conversion rates than colder prospects because the trust is already there.

Special Occasion or Seasonal Campaigns

Capitalise on holidays, seasons, or special events with targeted email campaigns offering promotions or special content. For example, a hospitality venue might send annual emails incorporating Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day specials, or a catering or event supplier business might offer a seasonal early bird offer to drive early bookings. You might even consider offering last-minute deals which can be effective in filling up unsold inventory or bookings which otherwise would have been lost revenue and profits.

VIP Customer or Loyalty Program

Encourage repeat business by creating a series of emails for your most loyal customers with exclusive offers, early bird specials, or extra rewards for returning as a customer.

Remember, each of these flows should be tailored to your specific audience and business needs, and wherever possible you should use segmentation to ensure content is relevant and personalised. This increases engagement and the likelihood of conversions.

The key is to provide value in every interaction to ensure they remain subscribed and engaged, and to use these automations to build a strong, ongoing relationship with your leads and customers.

Want help identifying and setting up the best flows and strategy for your business? Contact us to chat about a game plan.

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